Use of the ThermoWoodŽ trademark
Due to the abuses that have arisen, the International ThermoWood Association (ITWA) published instructions for the use of the
ThermoWoodŽ trademark.
ThermoWoodŽ trademark is owned by the International Thermowood Association. The legal right to use the trademark is available only to the permanent members of the ITWA. The permanent members are:
- Ekosampo Oy
Frøslev Træ A/S
- HJT-Holz Oy
- Heatwood AB
- Koshii &Co., Ltd
- LDCwood
- NasWood
- Novawood
- Oy Lunawood Ltd
- Oy SWM-Wood Ltd
- Scottywood Corporation
- Stora Enso Wood Products
- Tantimber
- Thermo-Drewno
- Thermalwood Canada
- Jartek Invest Oy.
ThermoWoodŽ Trademark Terms of Use:
- ThermoWoodŽ trademark may only be used in connection with the genuine ThermoWoodŽ product. Genuine ThermoWoodŽ product means thermally modified timber produced by a permanent member of the ITWA
- where the further processing company uses the ThermoWoodŽ trademark for marketing purposes, the name of the ThermoWoodŽ producer (permanent member) shall be indicated on a product-by-product basis
- where the distributor uses the ThermoWoodŽ trademark for marketing, the name of the producer (permanent member) shall be indicated on a product-by-product basis
- the use of the ThermoWoodŽ trademark other than that described above is a violation against the trademark property.
Supporting member (passive member) and cooperation partner can agree with the permanent member and the ITWA on the use of the ThermoWoodŽ trademark in the marketing of the genuine ThermoWoodŽ product.
Load the instructions from here.